friends you can start your free website for adsence revenue program. I m gonna discuss about that how can you start your free website. There is the third party available which you provides you to create your own blog. for your free website firstly you should create your own blog
google prorives the environment of creating free website in which you can post your artical. you can post your thought. you can share your article and thought to your friends. As much you share the blog then much you can increase the viewers and increase your chances to get higher paid by google adsense.
Google provides its own environment to creat your own blog which is known as blogger. blogger is the totally free for your website. You can place the google adsense advertisements to your blog. so let us discuss how to start with free blog
To start your blog you should have your google account or gmail account in able to login into the blogger.
steps to taken to create your own blog
1. Go to google search engine and search as name "blogger".
2. click on blogger.
3. here you will find that it will ask the gmail and password. put on it.
4. you will successfully enter into the blogger
5. now click on new blog

TITLE:- Enter you website or blog title. your blog title should be specific and interesting.
ADDRESS:- Enter your blog or website address for example ( Then blogger will find availability of address. If it is specific then you can proceed further if not then change it.
TEMPLATE:- Just select your blogger templates. It should be specifict
Just click on create button and you blog will be created successfully
on your blog dashboard you will find the updates section below showing as:-
1. Published comments:- published comments will be shown here
2. Pageviews today:- your total pageviews will be shown here
3. Post:- total your blog post will be shown in this section
4. Followers:- this shows your blog followers.
In this pictorial you will find your overall traffic graphically shown as bellow:-